Posts Tagged milk

Milk for strong bones? – I think not …

 I have recently begun to wonder about the connection between cows milk and strong bones. For example, countries that consume more animal protein seem to need more calcium (based on their government’s recommendeddaily amounts) … 

Consider this quote from:

Let’s compare 100-gram portions (3.5 ounces) of soymilk vs. cow’s milk: 

Cow’s milk has 61 calories. Soymilk has 33 calories.

Cow’s milk contains 3.34 grams of fat. Soymilk contains 1.91 grams of fat. 

Cow’s milk has 14 milligrams of cholesterol and no dietary fiber. Soymilk contains 1.3 grams of fiber and has zero cholesterol. 

Cow’s milk contains a full range of amino acids. Soymilk also contains a full range of amino acids. Both contain plenty of protein. Cow’s milk actually has one- half gram more protein than the 100-gram portion of soymilk. 

As for the nine essential amino acids in protein necessary for sustaining life, cow’s milk and soy milk contain nearly identical amounts, but cow’s milk does win this one by a whisker, containing a mere one-fifth of a gram more essential amino acids than the soy. That may be a hollow victory for milk lovers because one of the nine essential amino acids is methionine. Cow’s milk contains more than twice as much methionine as does soymilk. The center atom of methionine is sulfur. Too much animal protein creates an acid condition in the blood which the body must neutralize by taking calcium from the bones. . Nations eating the most animal protein have the highest rates of osteoporosis. 

Soymilk contains greater amounts of other amino acids including arginine, alanine, aspartic acid, and glycine. Arginine slows the growth of cancers by strengthening the immune system. Alanine aids in the metabolism of sugars. Aspartic acid increases stamina and plays a vital role in metabolism, acting as an anti-oxidant. Glycine is necessary for brain and nervous system functioning and muscle/energy metabolism. 

When milk is pasteurized, Vitamins A, C, and D are destroyed. The same can be said for those vitamins when soymilk is manufactured. 

Soymilk does contain more than four times the amount of thiamin (Vitamin B-1) and nearly twice the amount of niacin (Vitamin B-3) as does cow’s milk. Soymilk also contains more magnesium, copper, and manganese than does cow’s milk. 

In order to absorb calcium, one needs magnesium. Copper also aids in bone formation. One early sign of osteoporosis is a deficiency in copper. Soymilk contains twelve times the amount of copper as does cow’s milk. 

Soymilk also contains 42 times the amount of manganese as does cow’s milk. Manganese is also needed for bone formation. People with anemia rely upon manganese for iron storage. Trace amounts of manganese are essential for neural transmissions, protein metabolism, and many other body functions. “

Well then … isn’t that interesting … here is a quote from based on the book “The New Wellnes Revolution”:

Now if you like cow’s milk, I suggest you stop reading right here.  According to the book, the following are true about cow’s milk: 

  • Milk causes osteoporosis, despite advertising that states milk prevents it.
  • Milk contains hormones and carries infectious diseases.  A normal cow produces about 10 pounds of milk per day.  However, dairy cows produce up to 100 pounds of milk per day because of the massive amount of specialized hormones such as bovine growth hormone (BGH) given to the cows.   This makes the cows udders so large that they drag on the floor which creates frequent infections and the need for constant antibiotics
  • The USDA allows cow milk for consumption to have 1 to 1.5 million white blood cells (which is pus!) per milliliter.
  • The growth hormones given to cows are a major cause of breast cancer in adults because the hormones act the same as it does in the cows.  The hormones cause malignant tumors in the human breast to grow just like in the cows.
  • Despite the fact that numerous consumer groups have asked the FDA to ban BGH and other hormones, the FDA continues to allow the use because of powerful ADA lobbyists in Washington DC.
  • Cows contaminate the environment.  For every 100 pounds of cow milk produced per day, a cow produces 120 pounds per day of waste which is equivalent to the waste of 24 people.
  • Dairy products are the major cause to 65 percent of the American population being overweight.
  • Milk accounts for 40 percent of the 4 pound of food an average American eats daily; however, it contains no fiber, and is filled with saturated fat and cholesterol.
  • A glass of milk is 49 percent fat and the lower fat milk (like 2% milk) is only slightly lower in fat.

The book recommends switching to soy milk which has the following benefits: 

  • Soy is the best low fat source of carbohydrates, fibers, protein, vitamins and minerals.
  • Soy can help to prevent diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer.
  • Soy is high in calcium and does not contain casein proteins which cause calcium loss in bones.
  • Soy reduces the frequency and intensity of hot flashes in menopausal women which is similar to estrogen-replacement therapy.
  • The American Heart Association endorses soy to help consumers lower their (bad) cholesterol and reduce risk for heart disease.
  • Soy contains more protein per weight than beef, fish, and chicken with no cholesterol and very little saturated fat.
  • Of the 9 basic amino acids needed for the body that can’t be produced by the body, soy provides all 9, however, without the hormones, saturated fat and calories (as with cow milk and meat products).”



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A Review: Soy Milk


Soy MIlk has the same properties of cow’s milk in regards to just about everything and is in fact a little better! Here is an excerpt from

Let’s compare 100-gram portions (3.5 ounces) of soymilk vs. cow’s milk: 

Cow’s milk has 61 calories. Soymilk has 33 calories.

Cow’s milk contains 3.34 grams of fat. Soymilk contains 1.91 grams of fat. 

Cow’s milk has 14 milligrams of cholesterol and no dietary fiber. Soymilk contains 1.3 grams of fiber and has zero cholesterol. 

Cow’s milk contains a full range of amino acids. Soymilk also contains a full range of amino acids. Both contain plenty of protein. Cow’s milk actually has one- half gram more protein than the 100-gram portion of soymilk. 

As for the nine essential amino acids in protein necessary for sustaining life, cow’s milk and soy milk contain nearly identical amounts, but cow’s milk does win this one by a whisker, containing a mere one-fifth of a gram more essential amino acids than the soy. That may be a hollow victory for milk lovers because one of the nine essential amino acids is methionine. Cow’s milk contains more than twice as much methionine as does soymilk. The center atom of methionine is sulfur. Too much animal protein creates an acid condition in the blood which the body must neutralize by taking calcium from the bones. . Nations eating the most animal protein have the highest rates of osteoporosis. 

Soymilk contains greater amounts of other amino acids including arginine, alanine, aspartic acid, and glycine. Arginine slows the growth of cancers by strengthening the immune system. Alanine aids in the metabolism of sugars. Aspartic acid increases stamina and plays a vital role in metabolism, acting as an anti-oxidant. Glycine is necessary for brain and nervous system functioning and muscle/energy metabolism. 

When milk is pasteurized, Vitamins A, C, and D are destroyed. The same can be said for those vitamins when soymilk is manufactured. 

Soymilk does contain more than four times the amount of thiamin (Vitamin B-1) and nearly twice the amount of niacin (Vitamin B-3) as does cow’s milk. Soymilk also contains more magnesium, copper, and manganese than does cow’s milk. 

In order to absorb calcium, one needs magnesium. Copper also aids in bone formation. One early sign of osteoporosis is a deficiency in copper. Soymilk contains twelve times the amount of copper as does cow’s milk. 

Soymilk also contains 42 times the amount of manganese as does cow’s milk. Manganese is also needed for bone formation. People with anemia rely upon manganese for iron storage. Trace amounts of manganese are essential for neural transmissions, protein metabolism, and many other body functions. 

I have tried both Silk and generic HEB brand and, as far as taste is concerned, I can tell no diffrence except price. My favorite flavor is Chocolate (*of course*), but the vanilla is also excellent. I have yet to try strawberry or egg nog (minus the egg of course) flavors but I don’t think I ever will.
If you plan on drinking the stuff out of a glass I recomend the flavored stuff. There is nothing wrongwith the plain but, like cow’s milk, it has no flavor. I personally never realy liked cow’s milk anyway and even when vegetarian preferred soy chocolate milk to cow chocolate milk. Maybe that’s just me, but I have convinced a few non-vegetarian friends to try it and they all like it (one has now begun to put it in his cereal since he’s watching his cholesterol).
Soy milk is extremely versatile and as far as I can tell may be used just like milk. There are of course more than soy milk out there, but I haven’t tried them yet. I’ll do a review of them once I have. They include things like Rice Milk, Almond Milk and Coco Nut Milk.

Over all I highly recommend this stuff (*did I say that already?*)! I’m not knocking Silk, it’s actually quite good and (you’ll have to check the label) I think it has guarantied non-genetically altered soy beans and for sure some specialy fortified versions with things like calcium (it already has the same as cows milk).

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